


2016年10月7日下午,我在持三藏尤大师的弟子,仰光班迪达禅修中心一位尼师的协助安排下,与两位法友前往缅甸仰光的一家佛学院「大净住寺」(Mahavisuddharama TaikThit Monastery),参访著名的持三藏大师(Tipitakadhara)尤尊者(Yaw Sayadaw U Sirindabhivamsa),询问禅法上的问题,为同行的法友解除修行上的疑惑。


尤大师法相(Yaw Sayadaw U Sirindabhivamsa)
(生于1943年 –     )

 这里先介绍一下何谓「持三藏」(Tipitakadhara),这是缅甸佛教一个特别的头衔,持有此头衔的人需要通过官方设立的考试委员会,能背诵出整套南传巴利三藏(经、律、论),方能获颁「持三藏」这个头衔。另外,如在背出外,更能默写出全套三藏者,则获颁发「精通三藏」(Tipitaka Kovidha)的头衔。尤大师在1984年,42岁前就已经考取得这两个头衔。此外,他在1969年至71年期间,已经通过两个「法阿阇黎」考试,Ceiyangana Dhammacariya及Sakyasiha Dhammacariya考试,并获颁发相当于佛学博士的「阿毗旺萨」(Abhivamsa)头衔。在1989至90年,尤大师再获缅甸政府颁发「至上大哲士」(Aggamahapandita)的头衔,这是政府对佛教有崇高地位的人而特别颁发的。尤大师除了佛学精湛之外,他本人的修证也是莫测高深的,带我们去参访的尼师说,大师没有一刻不在正念中,被誉为阿罗汉的雪奥敏禅师(Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw)在圆寂之前,因为身边的弟子们并没有足够能力管理其禅修中心,于是特意委托尤大师管理,并在那儿教导禅修及佛学。因此,尤大师现在也是雪奥敏禅修中心的主持。




1. 修行解脱是否需要观察「前世」及「后世」(过去生及未来生)?


2. 修行解脱是否需要观察「粒子」?


3. 请问大师如何知道所证的「道智」并非如「有分心」一样的无意识?(提此一问是因为有指内观行者所证的身心俱灭,只是堕进有分心」)


4. 在「无我相经」中,提到过去未来的五蕴,应如何理解?


5. 请问大师所修的禅法,是否从属缅甸某个派系?马哈希、宣隆等?


6. 请问大师所修禅法为何?出入息吗?观腹部吗?


7. 观心法比观色法重要吗?




此外,笔者过去亦曾经于2012年拜访过另一位持三藏大师--宣隆内观中心总部的孙达拉大师(Sayadaw U Sundara),不过当时的英文翻译并不好,致使没有机会详细问深入的东西,但是当时我也曾询问他,关于用禅定的光观粒子等事,他的回复也是内观并不需要。2013年我在新加坡,亦曾见过「二藏法师」(Dvipitakadhara)提扎那禅师(Sayadaw U Thitzana),他是教导马哈希禅法的导师,同时也曾学过宣隆禅法,因此他的教法也是观当下的名色法。


1. http://www.myanmarnet.net/nibbana/tipitaka/tpdkdhra.htm


Venerable Yaw Sayadaw Ashin Sirindabhivamsa was born to father U Ye Naing and mother Daw Toke Khaing on Friday, March 26, 1943 (*the 6th Waning day of TaBaung, 1304 M.E.) in LetPan Village, GanGaw Township of MaGwe Division (now MaGwe Region).

1952-53 * At the age of ten, he studied elementary Pali Grammar and literature, Myanmar literature, Mathematics and Buddhist culture from LetPan Kyaung Sayadaw Venerable U Tissa.

1953-54 * He passed the examinations while he was attending the State Primary School at LetPan Village.

1956-57 * At the age of 14, the novitiation ceremony was held with his parents as the supporter of requisites, and he became a novice (Samanera) with LetPan Kyaung Sayadaw Venerable U Tissa as his preceptor (upjjhaya).

1959-60 * He stood first in the Buddhist Examination. He was the only one in the school who passed the Seventh Standard in that year.

1.6.1960 (the 8th Waxing Day of NaYon, 1322 M.E.) * He was novitiated for the second time with Pathama KanTawYa Sayadawgyi as his preceptor (upajjhaya). Sayadawgyi gave the name of the novice as Shin (Novice) Sirinda to convey the auspicious meaning “the ruler of the glory and splendor”.

1961-1963 * The young novice studied and learnt Pali Grammar, AbhiDhammattha-sangaha, Fundamentals of Tipitaka such as Patimokkha, Pali Writings, Pali verses and Composition of Poems from the teachers such as Ven. Kelasa, Ven. Nandiya and Ven. Sakinda. He had marvelously completed his studies within two years.

May 26, 1962 (the 8th Waning day of KaSon, 1324 M.E.) * The novice was fully ordained with KanTawYa Sayadaw Ven. Visuta as his preceptor (upajjhaya). The higher ordination (upasampada) ceremony was held with the material support of his parents, U Ye Naing and Daw Toke Khaing, and he became a monk with the name Ashin Sirinda.

1962-1967 * Sayadaw studied Pali Tipitakas, Atthakathas and Tikas for five years in Mandalay.

1967 *  Sayadaw studied Tipitakas including Pali, Atthakathas and Tikas at Maha-visuddharama ShweGyin TaikThit, NanDaWun Street, BaHan Township in YanGon.

1962-63 * He passed pathamagne Examination held by the Government.

1963-64 * He passed PaThaMaLat Examination held by the Government.

1964-65 * He passed PaThaMaGyi (First Grade) Examination held by the Government.

1966-67 * He passed Vinaya Pali Paragu and CetiYangana Examinations.

1967-68 * He passed Dhamma-cariya Examination held by the Government. As he passed the examination standing first in the whole country with the highest marks, Aggamaha-akyaw title was also conferred on him.

1968-69 * He passed Sakyasiha Examination held by the Pariyatti Sasana Association of Mandalay and he stood first. He was conferred the title of Abhivamsa. This title is conferred only on a candidate who has the highest level proficiency in Pali Tipitakas, Atthakathas and Tikas before the age of 27.

1969-70 * He passed the Ceiyangana Dhammacariya Examination.

1970-71 * He passed Sakyasiha Dhammacariya Examination and he stood first with distinction. He was conferred the prestigious title of Abhivamsa. In the same year, he was conferred the title of Vinayadhara-Vinayakovida as he had passed both written and oral examinations for which Five Vinaya Books are prescribed.

1971-72 * He passed the oral examination in the first part of AbhiDhamma Examination for which Five AbhiDhamma Books are prescribed.

1972-73 * He passed Sakyasiha Nikaya Examination for Silakkhan dhavagga. He also passed Patisambhidamagga Paliparagu  Examination held by the Government.

1973-74 * He passed Vibhangadi Distinction Examination in Myanmar. He also passed Suvannabhumi Pariyatti Examination held in Thaton.

1974-75 * He passed the examination in the first part of AbhiDhamma Examination for four AbhiDhamma Books and stood first, and also passed the oral examination with distinction. He passed the written examination in the first part of AbhiDhamma Examination for which Five AbhiDhamma books are prescribed.

1976-77 * He passed the examination in the second part of AbhiDhamma Examination for two volumes of AbhiDhamma. In the same year, he was conferred the title of AbhiDhammika – AbhiDhammaKovida as he had passed both written and oral examinations for AbhiDhamma.

1978-79 * He passed the oral examination for three volumes of Dighanikaya of Suttantapitaka. Accordingly Sayadaw was conferred the title of Tipitakadhara, the seal and the certificate. He also received the pennanton which the emblem of three white umbrellas with red stems is printed.

1984-85 * In 37th Tipitakadhara Selection Examination, he passed the written examination for three volumes of Dighanikaya of Suttantapitaka as prescribed by the Tipitakadhara Selection Board.

Sayadaw was conferred the title of Tipitakadhara-TipitakaKovida, the seal and the certificate. He also received the pennanton which the emblem of three white umbrellas with yellow stems is printed.

1989-90 * Sayadaw received the prestigious Aggamahapandita title donated by the Government.

1998-99 * Sayadaw received Tipitakadhara-DhammaBandagarika title donated by the Government.

At the present, the Venerable Yaw Sayadaw is strenuously and diligently working for the propagation, promotion and perpetuation of the Buddha sasana. He is currently the Patron and Presiding Sayadaw of the following monasteries:

(1)    Mahavisuddharama TaikThit Monastery (Bahan Township, Yangon Region)

(2)    MahaVisuddharama TaikThit Monastery (Kalay, Sagaing Region)

(3)    Tipitaka TaungPhiLa TawYa  (Forest) Monastery (Kalay, Sagaing Region)

(4)    Theravada DhammaYaunGyi Pariyatti Monastery (North Dagon, Yangon Region)

(5)    Shwe U Min DhammaSukha Tawya (Forest) Meditation Centre (Mingaladon Township, Yangon Region)

Source : 

  • Translated by Dr. U Hla Myint (Professor, Faculty of Patipatti, ITBMU).
  • Approved by Dr. Nandamala bhivamsa (Rector, International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University) and Venerable Bhaddanta Dr. Chekinda  (Dean, Faculty of Patipatti, International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University).
